Create Great Coffee: Kalita Wave
Kalita Wave 185 dripper
Kalita Wave 185 filter
25g Creation Coffee (1 Tbsp = roughly 7g)
Filtered water, right off the boil (about 205°F)
Gooseneck Kettle
Mug or brewing carafe
1. Set dripper on mug or carafe and place filter in dripper. Rinse filter thoroughly with hot water. This removes the papery taste from the filter and pre-heats your vessel.
2. Discard the rinse water from the carafe or mug and grind 25g of coffee slightly coarser than table salt. Put coffee in filter, shaking it gently to make sure the bed of grounds is flat. Place dripper on top of carafe or mug. Tare your scale to zero.
3. Start timer and saturate the dry grounds completely with 75g of hot water pouring quickly so that you finish in about 10 seconds. Give the dripper a swirl to ensure that all the grounds are saturated at this step. If your coffee is fresh, you'll see it "bloom" or bubble up as gasses are being released. Let it bloom for 30 seconds.
4. At 0:30, start to pour water slowly in a spiral motion making sure to evenly saturate all of the coffee. You'll pour continuously up to 390g of water, completing your pour around 1:45. Tip: Try to aim for dark spots on the surface of the water while you’re pouring.
5. As the water is draining, gently swirl the dripper to catch any grounds that get stuck on the sides of the filter. You want all the grounds to be making contact with water throughout the entire brewing process.
6. Your coffee should finish dripping through between 2:50-3:00. If your timing is different or if your coffee isn't tasting right, check out our article on grinding coffee for troubleshooting tips.